Mockfideousness The Globalisk Blog Wed, 13 Mar 2013 00:42:27 +0000 en Claustrophobic Golfer Swallowed by Sinkhole Today on the radio I listened to Dana Loesch rail against the idiotic programs and studies our tax dollars are funding (all Obama’s fault, of course), and she mentioned a study that examined the effects of having golfers visualize that … Continue reading Cascading Slides 2.8 a Tad Late I really wanted to have this release out the door before the holiday (I had hoped at one point to have it ready by the end of the world as the Mayans knew it), and it was a day late … Continue reading 8 “impressive” ways Minority Report technology predicted the future Minority Report was hardly the first to predict this stuff, but it’s still quite a trip to see just how far technology has come. I’ve been waiting on the self-driving car for a long time now.  It’s kind of stupid … Continue reading I heart the local news “Coming up, the new Rascals Ballpark burger, and what makes it so nasty! TASTY!” FAIL. “Smart” Phone Apps for Idiots There’s a new phone app that lets you use your phone like a Walkie-Talkie. Wow.  You can walk and talk at the same time!  That’s progress. OBD Awkward! Falling asleep to a roll of the dice (introducing Media Shuffle) Ever since I can remember, I have had a TV in my bedroom.  They say it’s not good for you, but nothing worth living for really is, is it? So like many other pop culture bed sponges, I simply can’t … Continue reading HEEEEEEELP!!! Better late than never… OBD Cascading Slides is now FREE! That’s right, once the trial period expires, the app no longer goes full retard! It’s just “special.” You’re welcome, OBD Introducing NCSAnalysis for web developers Here’s why I decided to create my own web traffic log analysis tool: That’s the graph that my site hosting company is providing me, showing traffic to my site in the form of daily “page views.”  Those spikes are traffic … Continue reading